One of the Top Furniture Stores in Woodbridge, NJ
Why Choose Charisma Furniture?
When you're looking for one of the furniture stores Woodbridge, NJ turns to for quality pieces, we've got you covered. With our wide selection and low prices, we have just what you need for your space. From living room furniture to bedroom furniture, you can't go wrong with our stylish options. Did you know we also offer financing services? Get in touch with us today to learn more. Create a home you'll love forever. We're open seven days a week. Come and see us!

Charisma Furniture
Welcome to the website of Charisma Furniture, located in Woodbridge, New Jersey, your Home Furniture Store with the widest selection of essential pieces and sets for EVERY room and always at LOW prices! Through our connections with the industry, we get you every style from Louis XVI to midcentury and more at amazingly low prices DAILY! That’s right: at ourhome furniture storeyou don’t have to wait for a sale to start your “as seen on TV” interior design makeover. At Charisma Furniture, yes, you CAN have it all!